
I’m proud to introduce the category: „Raid-Management„. In this particular category I like to present some methods of how to successfully manage a raid in MMORPGs.

The first part will be about the general concept of raid-management. What are the most important principles, what is exactly a raid, which positions are available and why is some management needed. The next step will be about the possible positions and the duties of the particular position.
After this introduction part, I’ll take a closer look at the raid-management itself. All the important things you need to know to successfully manage a raid. In this main part of the raid-management category I’ll present also some examples of how you can motivate your fellow raid members.
The next and probably last part will be about the huge topic of problem solving. How you can approach some problems and what tools do you have to get rid of them.

1. Overview:

2. Introduction:
Core concept of a raid
Relevant positions
The need of a leader

3. Management:
Guild-management: Basics
Leadership styles
Raid Leader: Basics


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